About Me

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I am currently in my 3rd year at The University of Glamorgan, studying Costume Construction for Stage and Screen. My business e-mail is lauren.english72@gmail.com. Feel free to contact me regarding work or for more information.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Mirror, Mirror: The Untold Adventures of Snow White.

For this Project, My Final, Final Major Project, I am creating two full costumes from the new film Mirror, Mirror, by Tarsem Singh.

Here is the trailer for you to watch if you are interested. I am currently making Snow White, and Prince Andrew Alcott's full costumes, swan hat and all from the ball scene.

I do not own the copyright for this film, and as such, cannot be held responsible for the use of it. For terms of use please refer to YouTube for more information.

None of the photographic material or information may be used or reproduced without the prior permission of Lauren Elise English. 

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