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I am currently in my 3rd year at The University of Glamorgan, studying Costume Construction for Stage and Screen. My business e-mail is lauren.english72@gmail.com. Feel free to contact me regarding work or for more information.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Elphaba, Wicked!

This costume was created for my 2nd year Final Major Project. The brief stated that we could make any costume, as long as it was from a film or created for a film. I fell in love with Wicked the musical when I first saw it on Broadway, back in 2007. I was absolutely hooked, the music, acting, hair, make - up, and especially the costumes. I think this musical is where my love of costume began.

As many of you probably know, Wicked! isn't actually a film, however, there was rumours of it being made into a film, and to be really honest, this is all I needed to make my case to make this costume, I wasn't really going to take no for an answer!

I used the original Stage show design, by Susan Hilferty, of Elphaba's second act costume for the dress, but there were obviously no designs for the underwear, so as I do, I decided to design the underwear myself. Talk about giving yourself extra work! I took inspiration from the same things Hilferty used to design the original dress, mainly the twisted Edwardian/Victorian feel for the garment. I finally came up with this...........

So, using this, and Hilferty's design.....................

I came up with my favourite costumes to date!  The Photographs were taken by Lynsey Northall, at Emotion Studios Portrait Photography. Info can be found here...

I really enjoyed this project, and one day, fingers crossed, I may be able to work on Wicked! the Musical! :)

None of the photographic material or information may be used or reproduced without the prior permission of Lauren Elise English. 

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